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If you're a stay-at-home mom considering a return to the workforce, thisĀ libraryĀ is your companion every step of the way - from discerning your career direction to preparing your application and addressing your resume gap, this is the perfect place to start.

Informational Interviews: Get the inside view on workplace culture networking

Returning to the professional world can feel overwhelming with so many unknowns.   Finding an employer that provides a supportive workplace culture for parents can make all the difference...

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Get the Inside Scoop: Using LinkedIn to uncover family-friendly companies job search linkedin

We’ve all heard the horror stories of employees who work for companies that care more about their profits than their employees’ wellbeing.  The ironic thing is that we now know...

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From Messy Buns to Blazers: Navigating interview attire interviews

What to Wear to an Interview 

Does your stay-at-home mom routine begin each morning with the same "mom uniform"? Perhaps it's that familiar outfit of leggings paired with a sweatshirt thrown...

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Job Search Trends: 7 things SAHMs need to know about today's job market job search

If you've taken some time away from the workforce to nurture your family, we understand that re-entering the job market can be both exciting and challenging. Over the past decade, the job search...

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Cracking the Code: Why you havenā€™t heard back about your job application job applications job search

Have you been sending out countless job applications only to hear crickets or receive a generic ‘no thanks’ email from every company?  When we pour our time, energy, and heart into...

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Elevate your Skills: Using online courses to stand out to an employer upskilling

Whether you’ve been away from the workforce for a couple of years, a decade, or more, polishing your skills and/or developing new ones will support your success in landing a job and excelling...

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Mom Magic: Creating time for your job search job search preparing

Life as a mom is a beautiful whirlwind of morning cuddles, prepping meals, packing backpacks, making sweet memories with your kids, maintaining your home and an endless list of tasks to keep the...

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Kick off your 2024 Job Search: A Checklist for Moms developing job applications job search

Entering into a new year often prompts reflections on personal and professional aspirations. For many moms, 2024 might mark the beginning of a journey back into the workforce after a career break,...

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Resume Refresh: 5 Resume FAQs Every Returning SAHM Needs Answered resume

As you gear up to re-enter the workforce, there's often a whirlwind of questions that come up -especially when it comes to crafting your resume.  In this blog post, we'll respond to five...

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Finding a Workplace Culture that Supports Moms: 8 Questions to Ask in an Interview interviews

Returning to the workforce after a career break comes with its unique set of considerations. Among the top priorities is finding a company that not only embraces the talents you bring but also...

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Interview Mastery: Ace the 'Tell Me About Yourself' Question interviews

Returning to the professional world after taking a break to focus on your family is a courageous and transformative journey. But let’s face it, those job interviews can be...

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First Impressions Matter: Personal branding tips for moms job applications job search

Stepping back into the workforce after a career break is like gearing up for a whole new adventure.  And let’s be honest – figuring out how to stand out while job searching is a...

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