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If you're a stay-at-home mom considering a return to the workforce, thisĀ libraryĀ is your companion every step of the way - from discerning your career direction to preparing your application and addressing your resume gap, this is the perfect place to start.

From Messy Buns to Blazers: Navigating interview attire interviews

What to Wear to an Interview 

Does your stay-at-home mom routine begin each morning with the same "mom uniform"? Perhaps it's that familiar outfit of leggings paired with a sweatshirt thrown...

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Finding a Workplace Culture that Supports Moms: 8 Questions to Ask in an Interview interviews

Returning to the workforce after a career break comes with its unique set of considerations. Among the top priorities is finding a company that not only embraces the talents you bring but also...

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Interview Mastery: Ace the 'Tell Me About Yourself' Question interviews

Returning to the professional world after taking a break to focus on your family is a courageous and transformative journey. But let’s face it, those job interviews can be...

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Resume Gaps: How to address your career break while job searching interviews job search linkedin resume

Many moms who have paused their careers to raise their children worry that the gap on their resume will stand in their way of landing a job. If this is you, rest assured that we have some helpful...

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Nailing the Interview: Preparation Strategies for Stay-at-Home Moms interviews preparing

If you’ve been out of the workforce for a while, it's completely normal to feel a little rusty and overwhelmed when it comes to interviewing.   Preparation can make all the...

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