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If you're a stay-at-home mom considering a return to the workforce, thisĀ libraryĀ is your companion every step of the way - from discerning your career direction to preparing your application and addressing your resume gap, this is the perfect place to start.

Cracking the Code: Why you havenā€™t heard back about your job application job applications job search

Have you been sending out countless job applications only to hear crickets or receive a generic ‘no thanks’ email from every company?  When we pour our time, energy, and heart into...

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Kick off your 2024 Job Search: A Checklist for Moms developing job applications job search

Entering into a new year often prompts reflections on personal and professional aspirations. For many moms, 2024 might mark the beginning of a journey back into the workforce after a career break,...

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First Impressions Matter: Personal branding tips for moms job applications job search

Stepping back into the workforce after a career break is like gearing up for a whole new adventure.  And let’s be honest – figuring out how to stand out while job searching is a...

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The Stay-at-Home Advantage: Transferable skills for your job search job applications job search preparing resume

If you’ve taken a career break, you might be wondering how to stand out as a candidate once you’re ready for your return to the workforce.  Don’t worry, we’re here to...

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Optimizing Job Applications: 4 ways to increase your chances of hearing back job applications job search

We hear it all the time – “why haven’t I heard back from the job applications that I submitted?” You’ve spent the time and energy writing your resume and submitting...

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Crafting Cover Letters: 5 Ways to Strengthen your Applications after a Career Break cover letters job applications

Are cover letters a thing of the past?  Do people even read them anymore?  Is it a waste of time to submit a cover letter for each job I apply to – even if it’s not required?...

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