Free Resource Library

If you're a stay-at-home mom considering a return to the workforce, thisĀ libraryĀ is your companion every step of the way - from discerning your career direction to preparing your application and addressing your resume gap, this is the perfect place to start.

Mom Magic: Creating time for your job search job search preparing

Life as a mom is a beautiful whirlwind of morning cuddles, prepping meals, packing backpacks, making sweet memories with your kids, maintaining your home and an endless list of tasks to keep the...

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The Stay-at-Home Advantage: Transferable skills for your job search job applications job search preparing resume

If you’ve taken a career break, you might be wondering how to stand out as a candidate once you’re ready for your return to the workforce.  Don’t worry, we’re here to...

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Mindset Shifts for Moms Returning to the Workforce: You Can Do This! preparing

Returning to the workforce after spending precious time at home raising your kiddos is a major life transition.  And whenever we anticipate or experience change, it’s common to feel a...

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Feeling Discouraged? Consider Creative Childcare Options exploring preparing

Let’s start with a few statistics:

  • On average, it costs $340 per week to send a child to a childcare or daycare center*
  • 27% of families who have difficulty accessing child are cannot find an...
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Networking with a Purpose: Building Connections during a Career Break networking preparing

What do you think of when you hear the word “networking”? Perhaps you think of uncomfortable small talk, inauthentic schmoozing, or just too many awkward handshakes. Networking is often...

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Nailing the Interview: Preparation Strategies for Stay-at-Home Moms interviews preparing

If you’ve been out of the workforce for a while, it's completely normal to feel a little rusty and overwhelmed when it comes to interviewing.   Preparation can make all the...

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Resume Refresh: How to Address your Career Break preparing resume

Are you ready to tackle the task of writing your resume, but you’re not sure how to address your employment “gap”?  So many moms have questions about this aspect of their...

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Thinking about Returning to the Workforce? Home to Hired is here to help! developing exploring preparing

Welcome from Home to Hired - we are so happy that you're here!  Are you a stay-at-home mom considering a return to the workforce? Don't navigate this journey alone!

In this video, we'll...

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Job Search Prep During Naptime: Set yourself up for success (when youā€™re ready!) developing preparing

Are you in that season of life where your days are spent meal planning, dreaming up activities to keep your kids entertained, managing busy schedules, and folding a bottomless pile of laundry? We...

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