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If you're a stay-at-home mom considering a return to the workforce, thisĀ libraryĀ is your companion every step of the way - from discerning your career direction to preparing your application and addressing your resume gap, this is the perfect place to start.

Get the Inside Scoop: Using LinkedIn to uncover family-friendly companies job search linkedin

We’ve all heard the horror stories of employees who work for companies that care more about their profits than their employees’ wellbeing.  The ironic thing is that we now know...

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Resume Gaps: How to address your career break while job searching interviews job search linkedin resume

Many moms who have paused their careers to raise their children worry that the gap on their resume will stand in their way of landing a job. If this is you, rest assured that we have some helpful...

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Launching into LinkedIn: A Step-by-Step Guide for Stay-at-Home Moms linkedin networking

"How important is LinkedIn for my job search?” We have heard this question from many moms who aren’t familiar with LinkedIn, or who simply aren’t eager to spend time or energy on...

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