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Job Search Trends: 7 things SAHMs need to know about today's job market

job search Jan 30, 2024
sahm job searching at computer

If you've taken some time away from the workforce to nurture your family, we understand that re-entering the job market can be both exciting and challenging. Over the past decade, the job search process has undergone significant transformations, influenced by technological advancements and changes in workplace dynamics and hiring practices. Whether you've been away for a few years or a bit longer, understanding these shifts will empower you to navigate the modern job market effectively. 

In this post, we'll share 7 key changes that have shaped the current job search landscape. From the rise of online platforms to the importance of personal branding and the increasing acceptance of remote work, we'll equip you with valuable insights to optimize your efforts. Embracing these shifts will not only increase your confidence but also position you for success as you rejoin the workforce.  Let’s dive in! 

Online Job Boards and Platforms 

Traditional methods of job hunting have been primarily replaced by online platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor. However, there are countless virtual job boards out there with different areas of focus, so it’s important to identify the types of jobs you’re looking for and then narrow down the platforms you’re using so that you don’t waste time on your job search. 

Networking and the Hidden Job Market 

Networking has always been a key strategy to learn about job opportunities, but with the number of people who can access and apply to jobs on online platforms, networking is key to differentiate yourself as a candidate. In addition, it’s estimated that between 70-80% of jobs are never posted.  Having a strong networking strategy that also aligns with your life as a mom can be a game changer when it comes to landing a job quickly and being a competitive candidate. Want some quick tips that are tailored to moms to start networking like a pro? Check out Networking with a Purpose: Building Connections during a Career Break.  

Social Media Presence 

A strong online presence, particularly on LinkedIn, has become crucial. Employers often use LinkedIn to recruit candidates and the platform is incredibly helpful for job seekers to build a strong network and showcase their skills, achievements, and professional interests. Interested in building or refreshing your LinkedIn profile? Check out Launching into LinkedIn: A Step-by-Step Guide for Stay-at-Home Moms.  

Personal Branding 

Job seekers are now focusing on building a personal brand. This involves crafting a consistent and positive identity, online and off. This includes a professional resume, portfolio, and LinkedIn profile to stand out to potential employers.  If this is a new concept for you and you’re interested in developing your own personal brand, check out our past post, First Impressions Matter: Personal branding tips for moms to get some ideas! 

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) 

Many companies use ATS to manage job applications efficiently. Job seekers need to understand how these systems work and optimize their resumes with compliant formatting and relevant keywords to increase the chances of passing through the initial screening process. If you’re looking for extra support as you update your resume, we cover everything from writing engaging content to formatting for ATS and quick, easy ways to tailor to a job description to help you land more interviews in our Resume Roadmap for Moms course. 

Video Interviews 

With the advancement of technology, video interviews have become more common. Job seekers need to be comfortable with virtual interviews and ensure they have the necessary tools and a professional setting for remote conversations. We recommend spending just as much time preparing as you would for an in-person interview, setting up the video technology and practicing responding to interview questions on video.  

Remote Work Opportunities 

The acceptance of remote work has grown significantly. Job seekers are now exploring opportunities beyond their geographic location, and employers are open to hiring remote workers. This has expanded the pool of available jobs for candidates but has also increased the number of applications for these types of roles, often making them more competitive. It also means that job seekers need to clarify what work setting they are looking for, learn where to find remote or hybrid jobs, and plan to differentiate themselves in competitive applicant pools.  

If you’re ready to land a flexible, family-friendly job and want to navigate the job search process with ease – we've created a comprehensive online course just for moms that provides cutting edge strategies, checklists, cheat sheets, templates, and more to help you save time and land a job quicker in the current job market.  Check out The Complete Job Search Guide for Moms and launch into your job search with confidence to tackle your resume gap, find flexible jobs, ace your interviews, and negotiate for the salary you deserve.  We cover all that and more in The Complete Job Search Guide for Moms!  We’re with you all the way! 

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